Venerable Dr Karma is a Buddhist nun from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.
She is a meditation teacher,
focusing on mind training, calm-abiding, and insight meditation. Trained as a civil engineer, she also holds
an M.A. in Buddhist Studies from the International Buddhist College (IBC), Thailand, and a Ph.D. in
Environment and Resource Studies from Mahidol University, Thailand. An environmental sociologist, her
doctoral thesis was on the topic of Environmental Ethics.
Ven. Karma is currently an Assistant Professor in Development Studies at the University of Nottingham, Kuala
Lumpur, and Deputy Director of Education at the Vajrayāna Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM) and Religious
Advisor to the Malaysian Buddhist Consultative Council (MBCC). Ven. Karma has authored many articles in
academic journals and written two books (with other authors) on conservation, "The
Jakun and the Pahang Peat Swamp Forest" (2006) and "Respectful Listening:
The Jakuns as Partners in
Conservation" (2009).