Chief Guest

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Keynote Speaker

Dr Reza Shah Kazemi

Dr Reza Shah Kazemi

Brief Information

The concept of a Muslim-Buddhist dialogue regarding the environment began in March 2021 following a brainstorming session by a group of Muslim and Buddhist leaders and scholars in Malaysia. It was decided that there should be a series of conferences, seminars, forums, and symposiums where the theme would be of safeguarding planet earth for future generations. IBED would invite luminaries who are thought leaders of various faiths as speakers and facilitators, including HH The Dalai Lama as the Keynote Speaker or Patron.



Our current environmental crisis is caused by humans. So how can science and religion re-evaluate our role in society and dialogue with each other to save this planet? The teachings of Islam are inherently environmental and promote the protection of biodiversity. It makes clear that human beings must coexist with nature to ensure the good health of all species living on earth. Buddhism inspires ecological mindfulness to address the loss of biodiversity. It seeks wisdom through adherence to ethical precepts which serves to protect both man and nature. Buddhists find themselves in harmony with nature as they acknowledge the interdependence of all forms of life.


Conference Speakers

Professor Datuk Dr Azizan bt Baharudin

Professor Datuk Dr Azizan bt Baharudin

Venerable Professor K.L. Dhammajothi

Venerable Professor Dr K.L. Dhammajoti

Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr Osman Bakar

Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr Osman Bakar

Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr Dhammananda

Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr Dhammananda



Day 1

15 January 2022, Saturday

Knowing and Caring of Nature – An Islamic and Buddhist View

Keynote Address by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Concept of Ecology – Sources from Quran & Buddhist Scriptures

Vulnerability & Sustainability of Planet Earth

Day 2

16 January 2022, Sunday

Practical Approaches to Sustain Planet Earth

Role of Civil Societies in Sustaining the Earth’s Ecological Health

Education on Environmental and Ecological Consciousness

Keynote Address by Dr Reza Shah Kazemi

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International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilisation (ISTAC-IIUM) Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Centre Malaysia (TBCC) Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM) International Students of Islamic Psychology (ISIP)
