About Us

Our Mission

Our Mission

Bridging wisdom from Islamic and Buddhist traditions
Inspire interfaith, understanding and respect
Work towards a harmonious and compassionate society

Our Values

Our Values

Respect for wisdom and values in each tradition
Solving conflicts through dialogue
Building flourishing societies
Maintaining a sustainable ecology for our planet

Our People

Inspired by the first forum in 2020, and the work of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the field of inter-faith dialogues,
a group of people then coalesce to initiate the Malaysia-based Islam-Buddhism Eco Dialogue (IBED)

Emeritus Prof Datuk Dr Osman Bakar

Prof Dr Abdelaziz Berghout

Assoc Prof Imtiyaz Yusof

Geshe Dorji Damdul

Casey Liu

Ng Wee Nee

Muhd Faisal Abdul Aziz

Ahmad Fahmi M. Samsudin

Fatimah Azzahra

Assoc Prof Rosilawati Zainol

Dr Alwani Ghazali

Amiera Eifra Binti Arfie

Seyed Jamaluddin

Benny Liow

Tan Leng Huat

Pek Chee Hen

Chew Eng Ghee

Lee Oi Loon

Tee Siew Seet

Christine Liew

Our Vision

Globally there are many cultural groups, religious traditions as well as humanistic approaches.
This diversity necessitates we acquaint ourselves with and be better informed of one another's values.

We appreciate that we human beings want to be kind and compassionate as well as to live in peace, harmony and love.
We work alongside to form societies that draw on the richnesses of our traditions.

By this beginning, we hope followers from other faiths would join us in our exploration of the wisdom of our faiths.
With the understanding of the common ground as well as the different perspectives of our faiths, we have the potential to grow to care for each other.

Our Strategy

Creating platforms for dialogues between Islam and Buddhism
to uncover common ground and different perspectives so that we first seek to understand.
Then find ways to work on projects for the greater good of the planet and its multiplicity of societies.
Organizing conferences, forums and seminars


Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Centre Malaysia (TBCC)

Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Centre Malaysia (TBCC)

Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)

Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)

Our Beginnings

Our Beginnings

It all started in June 2019 when Geshe Dorji Damdul came to Malaysia to teach at a retreat, organized by Casey Liu of the Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Centre.

A meeting was arranged for Geshe Dorji Damdul to meet with Professor Datuk Dr Osman Bakar. Immediately the pair hit off with mutual warm greetings.


Following this meeting, a discussion on the possibility to have further engagement with deeper discussions on spiritual and science matters from Islam and Buddhist perspectives, the two largest religious groups in South-East Asia ensued.

Geshe Dorji Damdul narrated his experiences in this field during his time as a translator of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, while Professor Osman Bakar shared his own experiences in the field of inter-faith dialogues and voiced his wish to be able to engage with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in these subjects.


An initial dialogue was planned. However, due to the start of Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, it only managed to come into fruition in the form of an on-line virtual forum on 28 September 2020, entitled “Compassion and Mercy as the common values between Islam and Buddhism” between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr Osman Bakar.